Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Capri Sun Winners

And the winner is ... THIRD GRADE! Congratulations to the 3rd graders who brought in the most Capri Sun packets. A big THANK YOU to Jennifer Marrott who tallied all the packets and took care of the fundraiser for us! THIRD GRADERS: you'll be receiving your prizes soon!

Box Top Competition Coming up

It's that time of year again! So get those Box Tops......Campbell's Soup Labels...
...Tyson A+ Labels...
...and Cream O Weber Milk Caps out that you've been saving!

We are beginning our competition on Monday, February 1st. Look for the "heart" bags in your child's classroom and put in your box tops, labels and milk caps. This time, the winners of the coveted Golden Soup Can Trophies will be the top two classes who bring in the most soup labels, top two classes that bring in the most box tops, top two classes that bring in the most Tyson A+ labels and top two classes that bring in the most milk caps. Don't forget because the competition ends Friday, February 19th.

This is a great way for us to raise money for our school, every little bit helps!